Tool Library Membership Levels

Golden Hammer Sponsor — $500

Help kickstart our efforts by sponsoring some high-value items that yet to be donated with a Golden Hammer sponsorship. This level includes a lifetime membership and invitations to TTL special events.

Silver Nail Sponsor – $250

With the Silver Nail sponsorship, you’ll help families who can’t afford an annual membership while you enjoy using the TTL and attending special events.

General Annual Membership – $100

Giving at this level helps the TTL repair tools and replace batteries, keeping our inventory at top performance. You can check out up to five tools at a time.

Sliding Annual Membership Fee Scale

Based on annual income ($10 per $10,000 income per year).

$80-89,999 = $80
$70-79,999 = $70
$60-69,999 = $60
$50-59,999 = $50
$40-49,999 = $40
$30-39,999 = $30
$20-29,999 = $20
$10-19,999 = $10

Become a MemberReserve Tools

Volunteers needed.

In addition to cash donations for hiring staff, we are seeking volunteers to help us expand our hours of operation.

Contact Us to Learn More